St Thomas Directions Tutorial Help Guide

Click on the directions link in the upper right corner of your browser window. If you are using a mobile device, the link is located in a dropdown list at the very top of the page in the upper left.

The browser will ask your permission to know your location. If you accept, the map will behave like a GPS device and track your location on the map.

In firefox:

In Google Chrome:

In Internet Explorer:

If you accept, your location will be indicated on the map by a blue sphere so you know exactly where you headed.

You can now choose a destination from the dropdown list titled "I'm headed to:"

If you declined the browser's request to know your location or for some reason, it didn't work, you will get a panel with two dropdown list to choose from. The first is a list of possible location you may be or that are close by which has the label "I'm at:" and the second is your desired destination which is labeled, "I'm headed to:"
Without the tracking functionality, it is much easier for you to get lost.

Press the "Show Route" button and the map will trace your route from point A to point B.
Note: If you are using a mobile device such as the iPhone, you might not see the written directions scroll bar but you can still scroll.

Written directions will also be listed in the panel under the "Show Route" button. If you click on any of the specific direction steps, a window will appear pointing its precise location.

You can follow along so you make the right turn at the right time. The written directions are detailed enough and are accurate if followed perfectly.

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